一 中国人一向重视种姓的传袭。钱穆在《中国文化史导论》中说;“中国的家族观念,更有一个特征,是‘父子观’之重要性更超过了‘夫妇观’。夫妇结合,本于双方之爱情,可合亦可离。父母子女,则是自然生命之绵延。由人生融入了大自然,中国人所谓‘天人合一’,正要在父母子
A Chinese has always attached importance to the transmission of caste. Qian Mu said in the “Introduction to Chinese Cultural History” that “the concept of family in China is more characterized by the fact that the importance of” father-son “is more important than that of” couple. "The combination of husband and wife, the love of both parties, Parents and children, is a natural extension of life by life into the nature of the Chinese people so-called ’harmony between man and nature’, is about to be in the parents and children