李克强作出批示 依法严惩违法违规和失职渎职行为

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中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理李克强近日作出批示指出,今年以来,在各方面共同努力下,全国安全生产形势总体稳定,但重特大事故多发势头仍未得到有效遏制,造成的重大人员伤亡和损失令人痛心,也暴露出安全生产相关领域的工作仍存在诸多不足与隐患。各地区、各部门尤其是各级领导干部要深刻汲取教训,坚持生命安全至上、人民利益至上,坚持安全发展理念,坚持依法治安、源头防范、系统治理,切实加强安全风险识别管控和隐患排查治理,切实加大安全基础保障能力建设力度,切实落实安全生产 Li Keqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau and Premier of the State Council, recently issued a directive that pointed out that since the beginning of this year, with the concerted efforts of all parties, the situation of production safety in the country as a whole has remained stable. However, the multiple momentum of major accidents has not been effectively checked, resulting in heavy casualties and losses It is painful and exposes many deficiencies and hidden dangers in work related to safety production. All localities and departments, especially the leading cadres at all levels should profoundly learn lessons, persist in the supremacy of life and safety, and uphold the interests of the people. They should adhere to the concept of security development, adhere to the principle of law and order, source prevention and systematic governance, and earnestly strengthen the identification and control of risks and hidden dangers , Earnestly step up efforts to build security infrastructure, and earnestly implement safety production
<正>目的: 比较“高住-高练-低训”(HiHiLo)和“低住-高练-低训”两种低氧训练的效果,为探索最佳低氧训练方案提供理论与实验依据。对象与方法: 12名少体校男子中长跑运动员