一、贯彻初中物理教学要求的基本概况 1978年至1981年我市使用初中物理试用本,由于教学要求脱离学生实际,初中物理及格率在35%左右波动,大部分学生在学习物理的过程中掉队、落后,有些分数高的学生,有的进了高中后后劲不足,有的到了生产岗位所学物理知识很快遗忘。显然学校的教学质量是不能适应“四化”建设需要的。初中物理教学如何为高一级学校输送优秀人才?如何为各条战线输送合格的劳动后备力量呢?是值得深思的。
First, the basic situation of the implementation of junior high school physics teaching requirements from 1978 to 1981 the use of junior high school physics trial, due to the teaching requirements from the students, the junior high school physical pass rate fluctuations in the 35% or so, most students left the team in the process of learning physics Lagging behind, some students with high scores, some have insufficient stamina after entering high school, and some who have learned physical knowledge at the production post will soon be forgotten. Obviously, the quality of school teaching cannot be adapted to the needs of the “four modernizations”. How can junior middle school physics teach excellent talents for high-level schools and how to provide qualified labor reserves for all fronts? It is worthy of deep thinking.