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INOTEC的诸多优点已经得到充分的证实——制芯无气味,浇注过程中气味小,显著减少设备和模具清洁工作因而提高产量和生产率,冷却凝固快因而提高铸件质量。尽管如此,无机粘结剂体系将始终面对以现有技术如冷芯盒法为标准的评价。因为过去有人批评使用无机粘结剂的铸件表面光洁度不如使用有机粘结剂,而且浇注后溃散性较差。但是,近期的发展证明无机粘结剂已有了明显的改善,在某些应用中甚至表现出了额外的优化潜力。利用新开发的新一代INOTEC技术,即使在极易粘砂的区域如浇道区,也能实现工艺稳定,并且不需要额外的砂芯涂料。该体系为100%无机,且不会在芯盒中留下任何附着沉积。此外,浇注过程中不会产生烟气。相比之下,使用传统方法如冷芯盒法制造的铸件表现出明显相对较差的表面,这也表明INOTECTM不仅仅只是一种替代品。过去,使用无机粘结剂时水套芯的落砂往往是个挑战,尤其是当落砂设备的自由度很小时。INOTECTM WJ4000促进剂有助于明显改善落砂性能,现在,即便是复杂精细的水套芯也能在浇注后安全地从铸件上去除。其他进一步的改进包括如增强了抗湿性,以及可用于轻金属铸造以外的领域,这些都在缩小无机粘结剂体系与传统有机粘结剂体系的差距。与以往相比,用于研究体系性能的最新技术设备和对运行工艺日益加深的理解催生了更高效的新粘结剂配方,并且更快地克服技术局限。虽然未来对于无机和有机粘结剂还存在着各种挑战,但有一点是确定无疑的:无机粘结剂比有机粘结剂体系更加环保。T譈V德国莱茵对在冷芯盒法和INOTEC进行了生命周期对比评价后明确了这一点。 The many advantages of INOTEC have been fully proven - the core is odorless, the odor is small during pouring, the equipment and mold cleaning work is significantly reduced resulting in higher throughput and productivity, and the faster the cooling and solidification results, the better the casting quality. In spite of this, the inorganic binder system will always face the evaluation of the prior art, such as the cold box method. Because in the past some people criticized the use of inorganic binder castings surface finish than the use of organic binder, and after pouring poor collapsibility. However, recent developments have shown that inorganic binders have been significantly improved, and in some applications even show additional potential for optimization. With the newly developed next-generation INOTEC technology, process stability is achieved even in very sticky areas such as runner zones, and no additional sand core coatings are required. The system is 100% inorganic and does not leave any deposit of deposits in the core box. In addition, the process of pouring will not produce flue gas. In contrast, castings made using conventional methods such as cold box methods exhibit significantly, relatively poor surfaces, indicating that INOTECTM is more than just an alternative. In the past, the use of inorganic binders for water jets was often a challenge, especially when the freedom of the sand removal equipment was small. The INOTECTM WJ4000 accelerator helps to significantly reduce the sand fallout performance, and even complex and sophisticated water jacket cores are now safely removed from castings after casting. Other further improvements include areas such as increased moisture resistance and light metal casting, all of which narrow the gap between inorganic binder systems and traditional organic binder systems. The latest technology and equipment used to study system performance and the deepening understanding of running processes have resulted in more efficient new binder formulations than ever before and more quickly overcome technical limitations. While there are various challenges to inorganic and organic binders in the future, one thing is certain: inorganic binders are more environmentally friendly than organic binders. T 譈 V Rheinland clarified this by comparing the life cycle of the cold-box method with INOTEC.
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0 引言细胞外基质组成成分有胶原蛋白、结构糖蛋白、蛋白多糖及弹性蛋白.他们对细胞和组织的形态结构,新陈代谢及生长分化有重要作用.肝纤维化是慢性肝病共有的病理改变.肝脏