Dressing the World With Homegrown Brands

来源 :BEIJING REVIEW | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iobject
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  On entering a Columbia shop in Beijing to purchase a wind jacket forherself, Xiao Wanzi found thatalmost half the products in the shopwere made in China.
Astring of labor law violations sincethe end of March have damaged thereputation of international compa-nies operating in China andfocused the government and unionson strengthening workers' rights
Bering Review: Michel Danet,Secretary General of the WorldCustoms Organization, indicated inGeneva earlier this year that theChinese Government had honored itscommitments to the World TradeOrganizatio
While traditional Chinese operasare attracting a larger foreignaudiences with their colorfulmakeup and stunning action,Broadway shows are are,starting a drive in China with light and humorous plots,be
Pang Sen: China’s attitude toward theabove two issues, in my view, Call be sum-marized in two points.
The opening up of China’s banking sector took another giantstep forward on March 20 when the first four foreign banksgained approval to incorporate locally.
The Ministry of Railways (MOR)and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) areformulating measures to increasethe capial flow toward railway con-struction.
The 14th summit meeting of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)was held in New Delhi from April3-4.
Zhou Jianping, head of a Beijing-basedforeign trade company, has tried manydifferent express delivery companies.
The total number of online gamers in China is expected to reach a whop-ping 81 million by 2010, accordingto Shanghai-based research compa-ny iResearch.
Although the latest round of file six party talks on the North Korean nuclear issue foundered over a financial matter, negotiators and experts are optimistic that the for- mat ultimately will be succe