肉毒毒素注射引起的不良反应,是药物本身的组成成分引起的与用药目的无关的有害反应,与医生注射方式和注射技术无关。尽管肉毒毒素生产厂家的药品说明书上也有提示,但其所提供的信息不够全面,也未必能引起医生的足够重视。目前文献上多为散发病例。为此作者对过去20年有关肉毒毒素注射引起的过敏反应、肉瘤样肉芽肿、眼睑水肿、流感样症状等相关不良反应的临床表现、发病机制与治疗方法进行综述。“,”Adverse effects after botulinum neurotoxin injections refers to the unwanted side effects which are caused by the drug or its components. They are not related to doctors’ skills and manners of injection. Side effects are included in the instructions on the labels provided by the botulinum neurotoxin producer. However, the information on the labels is not extensive enough to cover every aspects of drug adverse effects. Some case reports appeared in medical journals sporadically. Doctors don’t pay enough attention on these side effects. In this review, the author summarized the morbidities, clinical manifestations, pathogenesis, treatment and prevention of the adverse effects after botulinum neurotoxin injections in the recent twenty years.