In the autumn of 1984, under the direct leadership of the school party branch, our school established the “secondary school student party.” In the past seven years, the student school party has overcome various difficulties, persisted in running schools, and played a clear backbone and backbone role in the school’s moral education work. For this reason, the work of the students’ party school has been praised and affirmed by higher-level party committees and higher-level league committees. I. The motives for the establishment of the “secondary school student party school” Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, Comrade Deng Xiaoping has repeatedly stressed that we must educate our next generation and the next generation. We must establish a communist lofty ideal; we must not let our young people As a prisoner of decadent capitalist ideas, it absolutely cannot. It is necessary to cultivate successors for the proletarian revolutionary cause.