
来源 :中华少年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyabing
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英语是一门基础课,在小学英语教学中,教师要优化课堂教学,提高课堂教学的质量。在小学英语课堂上,教师要做好导入工作;要巧妙设计教学情境并且把游戏教学法引入其中。 English is a basic course. In primary English teaching, teachers should optimize classroom teaching and improve the quality of classroom teaching. In the primary English classroom, teachers should do a good job of importing work; to design the teaching situation skillfully and introduce the method of game teaching into it.
A general formulation of the method of the reverberation-ray matrix (MRRM) based on the state space formalism and plane wave expansion technique is presented fo
An 2024Al matrix composite reinforced with 36%(volume fraction)β-Si3N4 particles was fabricated by pressure infiltration method,and its microstructure and the
这几年,夏鼎湖似乎销声匿迹了。 这位当年与步鑫生齐名的改革者,是改革失败了?抑或出了其它什么问题? 最近,记者再次来到位于皖南天目山区的宁国密封件厂,发现夏鼎湖正悄悄
This paper considers the multi-field coupling in magneroelectroelastic composite materials consisting of the inclusion and the matrix are magnetoelectroelastic
The contrastive corrosion experiments between surface nanocrystallined Zircaloy-4 and coarse-grained Zircaloy-4 under the condition of 673 K/10.3 MPa in pure wa
The laser ablation technique was employed to prepare TiO2 nanoparticles by pulsed laser ablation of a titanium target immersed in the poly-(vinylpyrrolidone) so
<正> 继1982~1984年中国历史博物馆考古部、山西省考古所和垣曲县博物馆发掘山西省垣曲县古城东关遗址第Ⅰ—Ⅲ区之后,又于1985~1986年春季发掘了该遗址第Ⅳ发掘区(以下称东关Ⅳ区)。发掘位置选在此区的中部。这里处于浼西河西岸的二级阶地上,北距古城镇以北的小村北窑庄约210米,西距垣曲县第一中学操场120米,南距县第二医院80米,东距沇西河河床约230米,东南隔一条土路与第Ⅲ发掘区相邻。该区遗址总面积约56000平方米(图一)。发掘工作历时三个季度,共开探方及探