压缩规模 减人增效 在改革中求得生存和发展——对黑航主业在新形势下谋求生存的几点想法

来源 :哈尔滨市经济管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanxb2008
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1998年12月初中央召开的经济工作会议指出:“明年是实现国有企业改革和脱困三年目标的关键一年。要坚持建立现代企业制度的改革方向,把改革、改组、改造和加强管理结合起来,转换企业经营机制。要搞好减员增效,下岗分流和再就业工作”。笔者认为,中央提出的要求是十分正确的,实现三年改革与脱困目标,关键是要提高效益,实现扭亏增盈,而要提高效益,又必须解决冗员过多,人浮于事的问题。对黑龙江航运而言,其解决的出路,发展的手段亦是如此,即黑航局要摆脱困境,在市场竞争中求得生存和发展的空间,就必须要走一条压缩规模,精减人员的路子。一、黑龙江水运发展遇到的新问题黑航局是有着50余年历史的老企业,由于历史包袱沉重、冗员过多、企业受计划经济影响较大,走向市场的步伐迈的较小。尤其是近几年,连年亏损,企业负债率已高达78%以 The economic work conference held by the Central Government in early December 1998 pointed out: “Next year will be a crucial year for realizing the three-year goal of state-owned enterprise reform and extricate itself from difficulties. We must adhere to the direction of reforming the modern enterprise system and integrate reform, restructuring, transformation and strengthening of management Get up and transform the business mechanism. To do a good job downsizing and efficiency, laid-off diversion and re-employment. ” The author believes that the demands put forward by the Central Government are very correct. The key to achieving the goal of three years of reform and the goal of turning around the difficulties lies in improving efficiency and turning losses into profits. To improve efficiency, we must also address the issue of over-staffing and over-riding issues. For Heilongjiang Shipping, its solution to the way out, so is the development of means, that is, to get out of the predicament of Blackpool in the market competition for survival and development of space, it is necessary to take a compression scale, reduce staff Way. First, the new problems encountered in the development of water transport in Heilongjiang Black Air Navigation Bureau is an old enterprise with a history of more than 50 years. Due to the heavy historical burden and excessive redundancy, the enterprises are greatly affected by the planned economy and have taken a smaller step towards the market. Especially in recent years, successive years of loss, corporate debt rate as high as 78%
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她是中华民族古老文化的象征, 她是超越时空具有永恒价值的神秘精灵。 她根植华夏,面对世界,走向未来, 她生机蓬勃,青春长葆,活力永存。 She is a symbol of the ancient
父亲刘毓标(1908—1997)是江西省横峰县人,1927年4月参加革命,1928年入团,1930年转党。土地革命战争时期,历任中共中心县委书记、红军独立团政委、皖浙赣省委组织部长等职。抗日战争时期,历任团政委、抗大八分校政委等职。解放战争时期,历任师政委、军政治部主任。新中国成立后,历任军政委、华东军区装甲兵政委、省政协副主席。1955年被授予少将军衔。  父亲生前曾说:“如果要说我对中国革命有
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