随 着用友软件、浪潮软件等软 件类上市公司相继公布半年 报,以及商务部传递扶持软 件产业发展的信息,软件行业的发展 以及相关上市公司业绩能否实现相应 增长等问题再度引起关注。截至7月31 日,已经有托普软件、宝信软件、恒生 电子、用友软件以及浪潮软件等公司
With the UFIDA Software, Inspur software and other listed companies have announced the semi-annual report, as well as the Ministry of Commerce to support the development of the software industry, the development of information technology, the development of the software industry and the related performance of listed companies can achieve growth and other issues once again cause for concern. As of July 31, already Top Software, Baosight software, Hang Seng Electronics, UF software and wave of software companies