贵州兴义马岭河:位于兴义市东5公里处,是几千万年前燕山运动时形成的裂缝,集雄、寄、险、秀于一体,谷内群瀑飞流,翠竹倒挂,溶洞相连,被专家誉为“地球上最美的一条伤疤”。 长江三峡小三峡及小小三峡:前者常可见到巴人悬棺及古栈道遗迹。后者的三撑峡是最佳漂流区,虽然航道狭窄,滩多水急,但航道的布局和结构很理想,基本上是一个险滩连一个深潭,既有高度紧张的刺激,又有放松自如的舒坦。
Guizhou Xingyi Maling River: Located 5 km east of Xingyi City, is the crack that formed when the Yanshan Movement took place tens of millions of years ago. It is a collection of males, mails, Caves connected by experts as “the most beautiful on the planet a scar.” Three Gorges Three Gorges and the Little Three Gorges: The former can often be seen Ba people hanging coffins and ancient plank ruins. The latter’s Three-Gorge Project is the best drifting area. Although the waterway is narrow and the beach is in urgent need of water, the layout and structure of the waterway are ideal. Basically, it is an impassable beach with a deep excitement of high tension and relaxation Comfortable comfortable.