笔法劲峭 风格奇逸——评张瑞图书《山栖志》与《寻山志》

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张瑞图(1570-1641)字长公、无画,号二水、果亭山人、芥子、白毫庵主等。福建晋江人。万历三十五年探花,授翰林院编修,后以礼部尚书入阁,晋建极殿大学士,加少师。崇祯三年,因魏忠贤生祠碑文多其书丹,被定为阉党,获罪罢归。在中国文艺评判的历史上,由于儒家道德因素的参与,人品的高下与艺品的高下往往被等同起来,所以,张瑞图之书,亦如严嵩之诗、阮大铖之戏皆被打入冷宫。然而,圣人不以人废言,况且品节高迈如苏东坡,也曾对书品的人品论取向,表示不同意见。所以政治上的道德评判与艺术上的品质评判之间,并没有必然的联系。论及张瑞图以其典型风格所书写的两篇六朝美文:《山栖志》与《寻山志》,就内容而言:《山栖志》与《寻山志》分别为南朝刘孝标、陶隐居所作,与另外一篇书法家经常书写的东汉末年仲长统《乐至论》,皆属于文人对隐逸生活的标榜和追求——尤其是文人在仕途政治失意时一种自我放逐的方式,一种心灵的寄托。中国正史的《隐逸》传也正是在南朝范晔《后汉书》中得以确立。所以,张瑞图之书写《山栖志》与《寻山志》,自然也显示了他对隐逸的理想。就风格而言:《山栖志》与《寻山志》一反传统柔媚书风,舍弃中和、优美的姿态与规范,结体支离欹侧,形态紧束,以奇为美;运笔注重横向取势,转折不取圆转而以侧锋翻转,打破传统藏头护尾的笔法,露锋尖笔,用力劲健,方折顿挫,纵横锋芒,跳荡生姿,棱角毕露。在章法上,则紧接字距,拉开行距。总体上给人一种节奏强烈、劲峭方折的奇逸之感。 Zhang Ruitu (1570-1641) the word public, no painting, No. 2 water, Guoting Hill people, mustard, White Mill Um Lord and so on. Fujian Jinjiang people. After thirty-five years of Wanli’s third annual examination of flowers, awarded the compilation of the Imperial Academy, the court of ceremonies was introduced into the Court, and Jin Jian Jidian University Bachelor, plus a small division. Chongzhen three years, because of Weizhong Xian Shengci inscriptions more than a book Dan, was identified as the eunuch, was found guilty of blame. In the history of Chinese literary judgments, due to the participation of Confucian moral elements, the exaltation of character and the mastery of works of art are often equated. Therefore, the books of Zhang Ruitu, such as Yan Song’s poems and Nguyen Philosophers’ Cold Palace. However, the sage does not make a nonsense. Moreover, Simao, such as Su Dongpo, has also taken different views on the moral character of books. Therefore, there is no necessary connection between the political moral judgment and the artistic quality judgment. On Zhang Rui-tsu’s two six-storied essays written in his typical style: “Shan Chi” and “Searching for Mountains”, in terms of content: “Shan Chi” and “Searching Mountains” are respectively Liu Xiaobiao, Tao seclusion , And “Liangzhi Lun”, which is often written by another calligrapher in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, belong to the advocacy and pursuit of secular life by literati - in particular, a way of self-exile of the literati in the political frustration of career Kind of spiritual sustenance. It is precisely in the Southern Dynasties that Fan Ye’s “Later Han Dynasty” was established in the history of China. Therefore, Zhang Ruitu’s writing “Mount Habitat” and “Searching for Mountains” naturally show his ideal of reclusion. As far as the style is concerned, “Mount Habitat” and “Seeking Mountains” are contrary to the traditional style of writing, abandonment of neutralization, graceful posture and norms, Horizontal trend, the turning point instead of turning round and side flip, to break the traditional Tibetan head caretaking brush style, Lufengjianbi, forced Jinjian, Fang Fuso frustration, vertical and horizontal edge, jump Shengzi, edges and shoulders clear. In the chapter law, then the kerning, pull apart. In general, giving a strong rhythm, Jin Qifang folded Qi Yi sense.
2003年3月13日,雷明凯教授接收了本刊记者的采访。 记 者:请雷教授结合您多年来的研究成果,谈谈不锈钢表面改性领域的进展情况。 雷明凯:不锈钢顾名思义具有良好的耐蚀性,但