打造布达拉文化品牌 发展西藏文化产业

来源 :西藏艺术研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oklizheng
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法国前文化部部长雅克·瓦拉德先生说:“我们的文化遗产已经成为无价的资源,成为身份的标识,成为物质和精神财富的源泉”。我愿意借用他的这段话来做本文的开头,说明布达拉文化基本能够代表藏民族文化,并详细论证布达拉文化的形成、内涵、风格、层次和特质以及布达拉文化作为品 Former Minister of Culture Jacques Varad said: “Our cultural heritage has become an invaluable resource, becoming a logo of identity and a source of material and spiritual wealth.” I would like to borrow this passage from the beginning of this article to illustrate that Potala culture can basically represent the Tibetan culture and demonstrate in detail the formation, connotation, style, level and characteristics of Potala culture as well as the Potala culture