The pain is not pass, the general rule is not painful. Blood circulation, blood circulation is the health care principles of cardiovascular disease. Chinese medicine believes: Heart, Five Elements is a fire, the five parties are South, the officer of the sovereign, God out of Yan. In the five elements, the fire is seen but its use is invisible. In the human body, God is the heart of the Lord. What is the difference between the heart and the other four dirty? In addition to heart, the other dirty every word has a meat next month, a month of meat to the visible and tangible. Therefore, liver, spleen, lung, kidney all have a specific shape of the dirty. And only missing a few months next to the meat, there is no monthly meat, of course, invisible signs, invisible. From this we can see that the heart under TCM theoretical system is a functional system, not a simple heart. The heart includes not only the heart, but also the nervous system, such as the brain.