NO_x emission characteristics of hydrogen internal combustion engine

来源 :Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:y1271
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In order to investigate the NOxemission of hydrogen internal combustion engines.A test system for four-cylinder intake port-fuel-injection hydrogen internal combustion engine(H2ICE)is established to study the effect of fuel-air equivalence ratio,ignition advance angle,engine speed and exhaust gas recirculation on NOx emission.Experimental results show that the fuel-air equivalence ratio is the key factor to NOxemission,NOxemission concentration is always higher than 8 000×10-6 when the fuel-air equivalence ratio is larger than 0.8and lower than 500×10-6 when the fuel-air equivalence ratio is smaller than 0.5.The ignition advance angle and engine speed also play important roles on NOxemission formation.EGR is an useful method to reduce NOx emission concentration at large fuel-air equivalence ratio especially when engine speed is low and EGR ratio is high. In order to investigate the NOxemission of hydrogen internal combustion engines. A test system for four-cylinder intake port-fuel-injection hydrogen internal combustion engine (H2ICE) is established to study the effect of fuel-air equivalence ratio, ignition advance angle, engine speed and exhaust gas recirculation on NOx emission. Experimental results show that the fuel-air equivalence ratio is the key factor to NOx emission, NOxemission concentration is always higher than 8 000 × 10-6 when the fuel-air equivalence ratio is larger than 0.8and lower than 500 × 10-6 when the fuel-air equivalence ratio is smaller than 0.5. The ignition advance angle and engine speed also play important roles on NOx emission formation. EGR is an useful method to reduce NOx emission concentration at large fuel-air equivalence ratio especially when engine speed is low and EGR ratio is high.
作者介绍:  郑子琳湖南女孩,在香港读大学,动静皆宜的非典型90后,在良师益友与清风明月环绕中顺利成人。平生最喜诗歌、火锅和音乐,故天真、热血而繁复。深信参差多态乃是幸福的本源,即使世间已无象牙塔,亦愿不计成败利钝地追求客观真理。  博客地址:    即使校园里的花草早就开得热烈繁盛引来不少蜂蝶,网络上的话语圈子还在昼夜聒噪着过剩的信息和观点,周末
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