近年辣椒疫霉病(Phytophthora cap-sici Leonian)在新疆各地发生日趋严重,1986年乌鲁木齐和昌吉地区辣椒受害面积2万余亩,直接经济损失达800万元以上.为此,我们于1987年在阜康县头工乡进行了不同农药防治辣椒疫霉病的试验.供试药剂为25%瑞毒霉可湿性粉剂(北京利华鼠药厂产)、43%瑞毒铜可湿性粉剂(成都植物生长素厂产)、28%瑞毒铝铜可湿性粉剂(成都植物生长素厂产)、50%敌可松可湿性粉剂(江宁农药厂产)、90%乙磷铝晶体(镇江农药厂产)、58%甲霜磷锰锌可湿性
In recent years, Phytophthora cap-sici Leonian has become more and more serious in various parts of Xinjiang. In 1986, more than 20,000 mu of peppers were damaged in Urumqi and Changji areas and the direct economic loss was over 8 million yuan. Therefore, Fukang County Tungong conducted a pilot test of different pesticides to control Phytophthora capsici. The test agents were 25% Rumex wettable powder (Beijing Lihua rat medicine factory), 43% Ruoxin copper wettable powder (Chengdu Plant auxin plant), 28% Rui Cu aluminum WP (Chengdu plant auxin plant production), 50% of the enemy of the pine can be wettable powder (Jiangning Pesticide Factory), 90% B phosphoric acid (Zhenjiang Pesticide Factory 58% Metalaxyl manganese zinc wettable