近亲裸腹溞(Moina affinis)的胚胎发育和总生活时间与温度呈反比。其后各龄期的生长、卵的生产量与温度的变化密切相关。30℃时,总胚胎发育时间为18—20小时,平均龄期为25.1小时,总生活时间为15.7天;20℃时,总胚胎发育时间为42—48小时,平均龄期为53.2小时,总生活时间为33.3天。在30℃时,有2个成体前龄,13个成龄;而在20℃时,有3个成体前龄,12个成龄。不论30℃或20℃,幼龄的龄期短于成龄龄期。近亲裸腹溞各个不同龄期的生长也因温度而变化。30℃时,10龄之前,以1、2龄的增长尤为迅速,而10龄以后增长速度则缓慢;在20℃时,第1—4龄,第6—7龄增长速度最快,第10龄后,增长趋于停止。30℃时,各成龄的累计产卵数为133.0个;而20℃为213.9个。30℃时卵的生产率(a值)为1.1811;高于20℃时的a值0.9643。
Moina affinis had an inverse ratio of embryonic development and total life time to temperature. Subsequent growth of each age, egg production and temperature changes are closely related. At 30 ℃, the total embryo development time was 18-20 hours, the average age was 25.1 hours, the total life time was 15.7 days; at 20 ℃, the total embryo development time was 42-48 hours, the average age was 53.2 hours, Life time is 33.3 days. At 30 ℃, there are 2 adult ancestral and 13 adult, while at 20 ℃, there are 3 adult ancestral and 12 adult. Regardless of 30 ℃ or 20 ℃, young age is shorter than aging age. Close relatives of the abdomen 溞 growth at different ages also vary with temperature. At 30 ℃, the growth rate of the first and second instar was very fast before the tenth instar, while the growth rate was slow after the tenth instar. At the age of 20 ℃, the first to the sixth, After the age, growth tends to stop. At 30 ℃, the cumulative number of eggs laid at each age was 133.0, while that at 20 ℃ was 213.9. The egg production (a value) at 30 ° C was 1.1811; the a value at 0.9643 above 20 ° C.