根据我们在陕北、关中几县农村的实地走、访、查、看,我省村务公开虽取得了一定成效,但仍存在一些问题不容忽视。 一、公布形式不规范。村务公开,使村组织的行为成为“阳光行动”,要求从方便村民了解村内事务出发,以灵活多样的形式对农民广而告之。而我省大多数乡村,
According to the fact that we have gone somewhere in the rural areas in northern Shaanxi and Guanzhong counties and have conducted some visits, inspections and inspections, our village affairs have achieved some success. However, there are still some problems that can not be ignored. First, the publication of non-standard form. Making village affairs public makes the behavior of village organizations a “sunshine action” and requires that villagers be advertised in a flexible and diversified form from the convenience of villagers in understanding the affairs in the village. Most villages in our province,