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1999年12月23日,我国外语核心期刊《日语学习与研究》杂志创刊20周年纪念大会暨中日比较文化研讨会在对外经济贸易大学举行。来自全国各地的日语界知名学者及教学研究人员约160人参加了会议。会议由对外经济贸易大学日语系主任、编辑部常务副主编李爱文教授主持,杂志社社长、对外经济贸易大学副校长陈苏东教授致开幕词,杂志社主编冷铁铮教授代表编辑部致词并介绍了杂志编辑发行的历史与现状。全国政协委员、原文化部副部长刘德有,中国外语教学指导委员会日语组成员、中国日语教育研究会常务理事、北京外国语大学日语系主任汪玉林,日本国际交流基金会驻北京事务所所长安田文夫等 On December 23, 1999, the 20th anniversary commemorative meeting of the journal “Japanese Learning and Research” and the Sino-Japanese Comparative Culture Seminar held in the core issue of our foreign language journal were held at the University of International Business and Economics. Some 160 well-known scholars and teaching researchers from all over the country attended the conference. The meeting was chaired by Professor Li Ai-wen, executive director of the Japanese department of the University of International Business and Economics, executive editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief of the editorial department. Professor Chen SuDong, president of the magazine and vice chancellor of the University of International Business and Economics addressed the opening ceremony. Professor Leng Tiezheng, editor in chief of the magazine, addressed the editorial department and introduced The history and current status of magazine editors and issuers. Liu Deyou, member of the CPPCC National Committee and former vice minister of Ministry of Culture; member of the Japanese group of China Foreign Language Teaching Steering Committee; executive director of China Japanese Language Education Research Association; Wang Yulin, director of Japanese Department of Beijing Foreign Studies University; director of Japan Foundation for International Exchanges in Beijing Yasuda Wifu and so on
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