目的 :提高对创伤及非肾上腺术后所引起的急性肾上腺皮质功能低下的认识。方法 :对 12例创伤及非肾上腺术后肾上腺皮质功能低下病例进行临床分析。结果 :12例患者经过及时治疗 ,症状均完全缓解 ,痊愈出院。结论 :创伤及非肾上腺术后以谵妄及嗜睡等症状为主的患者 ,排除肾上腺本身出血、药物及神经系统器质性病变 ,应考虑肾上腺皮质功能低下 ,予及时诊断及治疗 ,防止病情进一步恶化。
OBJECTIVE: To improve the understanding of the acute adrenal insufficiency caused by trauma and non-adrenal surgery. Methods: Twelve cases of traumatic and nonadrenal postoperative adrenal cortical dysfunction cases were analyzed. Results: Twelve patients were treated promptly and the symptoms were completely relieved and discharged. Conclusion: Patients with predominant symptoms of delirium and drowsiness after trauma and nonadrenal surgery should be considered for the diagnosis and treatment of adrenal insufficiency due to bleeding of adrenal gland itself, drug and nervous system organic diseases. Preventing further deterioration of the disease .