如若稍加留意,人们不难发现,言必称“黑”的危险语境正在我们的生活里充斥、流行与蔓延。时逢盛世,竟然在我们的话语里,掺杂进颇为流行的言“黑”成分,岂非咄咄怪事?!事实上,它同市井所流行的“黄段子”一样,在悄然中污染着我们的话语氛围,腐化着人们的健康思想,其害当须思量。那么,是任由它汪洋恣肆地扩散,还是及时采取措施加以净化?这必须引起全社会的审视与警惕。 略予审视,言必称“黑”并非始至今日。早在改革开放的头几年,随着思想观念的逐渐解放,首先带
It is not hard to find out that if people pay attention to it, the dangerous context that the word “black” must be said is flooding, popularizing and spreading in our lives. When every flourishing age, even in our words, doping into the popular “black” ingredients, would not it be strange ?! In fact, like the popular “Yellow Dumplings” in the marketplace, it quietly pollutes the atmosphere of our discourse and corrupts people’s health thinking. Its harm should be considered. So, is it allowed to disperse its unbridled ocean, or take timely measures to be purified? This must arouse the public’s attention and vigilance. Slightly scrutinized, the word must say “black” is not until now. As early as the first few years of reform and opening up, with the gradual liberation of ideological concepts, the first band