著名质量管理专家戴明博士的14项管理法则,深为企业界称道,也是近代管理的大趋势。 ①企业要创造一贯的目标,以供全体投入;②随时吸收新哲学新方法,以应付日益变化的趋势;③不要依赖检验来达成品质,应重视过程改善;④采购不能以低价得标方式来进行;⑤经常且持续地改善生产及服务的体系;⑥执行在职训练且不要中断;⑦强调领导力的重要;⑧消除员工的恐惧感,以鼓励员工提高工作效率;⑨消除部门
Well-known quality management expert Dr. Deming’s 14 management rules are deeply regarded by the business community and are the major trend of modern management. 1 The company must create consistent objectives for all input; 2 At any time absorb new philosophical new methods to cope with changing trends; 3 Do not rely on inspections to achieve quality, should pay attention to process improvement; 4 Procurement can not be won at low prices To carry out; 5 to constantly and constantly improve the system of production and service; 6 to perform on-the-job training without interruption; 7 to emphasize the importance of leadership; 8 to eliminate employee fear to encourage employees to improve work efficiency; 9 to eliminate departments