我到达陕北天然气勘探前线时,正是黄沙蔽日的天气,天空黄蒙蒙的,什么也看不见。大白天,汽车开着大灯,也只能看到几米远处。到了基地,看不见人,却听到了人的喧嚷声、汽车的喇叭声、钻机的轰鸣声…… 我快要走到前指会议室时,里面传来一个洪亮、有力的声音:“……咱们的气田公布后,咱们都成‘明星’了,北京要气,宁夏要气,陕西要气,内蒙要气,这是党和国家的期望,人民的渴望,咱们就要拿出更大更好的成果,以支援国家的经济建设!” 显然我是来迟了,就悄悄地坐在后面的一个位子上旁听。亮着电灯,但屋子里仍然是昏暗的。讲话的是长庆石油勘探局副局长、陕北天然气勘探前线指挥雷发瑞同志,只见他那蒲扇般的大手从挂在墙壁上的大幅陕北地质图的东边指向西边,又从北边指向南边,然后在地图上转了一圈,好似大气田就握在他的手中。他胸有成竹地说:“我们控制的是一个大面积、深埋藏,整装的世界级大气田,已基本得手。”
When I reached the front line of northern Shaanxi natural gas exploration, it was the yellow sand sheltered by the weather, the sky yellow, nothing can not be seen. During the daytime, the car drove headlights and only saw a few meters away. When I arrived at the base, I could not see anyone, but I heard the noise of people, the horn of a car, the roar of a rig ... When I was about to go to the front of the conference room, there was a loud and powerful voice: “... we After the announcement of the gas field, we all become ’celebrities’. Beijing wants gas. Ningxia wants gas. Shaanxi wants gas and Inner Mongolia wants gas. This is the desire of the party and the country and the people’s desire, and we will come up with bigger and better The results to support the country’s economic development! ”Obviously I was late, quietly sitting in the back of a seat on the sidelines. The lights went on, but the room was still dark. Comrade Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau speech speech, deputy director of natural gas exploration in northern Shaanxi Command Lei Hairui comrades, I saw his big palm-leaf-like fan hanging from the wall of the substantial north of the geological map of North Shaanxi point east, and from the north point South, then turn around on the map, as if the gas field was in his hand. He said with confidence: “We control a large, deep-buried, fully assembled world-class gas field that has basically succeeded.”