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养老产业自上世纪60年代起就出现在西方国家。如今,我国在日益严峻的人口老龄化社会问题驱使下,各地政府和房地产开发商都在积极响应国家号召,开展各类型养老居住住宅的建设。本文以笔者设计的宁海黄金水岸生态养老度假社区为对象,通过分析项目的规划设计,对生态度假型养老社区从规划选址到建筑具体功能布局等方面做出一些思考。 The pension industry has been in Western countries since the 1960s. Nowadays, under the impetus of the increasingly serious social problem of an aging population in our country, all local governments and real estate developers are actively responding to the national call for carrying out the construction of various types of endowment residential houses. Based on the design of the eco-retirement community in Ninghai Golden Waterfront, this article makes some considerations on the planning and design of the eco-vacation-type pension community from the planning and site selection to the specific functional layout of the building.
摘要:笔者在研磨苏教版三下《乘法估算》一课时产生一些思考和感受,通过教学设计时的小变化来体现“基于教材,基于学生,为了学生的发展而教”的大思考。  关键词:变化;需求;意识  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)12-060-1教学有法,教无定法,贵在得法。一切教学活动都有着一定的规律可循,需要遵照一定的法则和模式,有着一定的基本方法。但,这些模式、方法、技