陈奕 急速青春

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这位中国台湾丰华唱片鲜热出炉的美型男,妙龄刚刚20岁,自组Band玩摇滚,广告、戏剧、出书、唱片这些好玩的事情都玩了个遍,他的主打歌叫《自恋狂》,他能进入娱乐圈,也是因为在网上贴自己的照片,一举成为网上头牌风云人物。他的化妆、发型全是自己打理,陈奕不介意被称自恋狂,每次出门前,他收拾自己要花将近一个小时。“爱美没什么不好,只要不影响到别人就可以了,时代不同了,男孩子也应该大胆秀自己。” The China Taiwan Fenghua album fresh baked beauty male, just 20 years old, Band Band play rock, advertising, drama, book, record these fun things have played over and over, his hit song called “ Narcissistic madness ”, he can enter the entertainment circle, but also because of his own photos posted on the Internet, in one fell swoop to become the first person on the Internet. His makeup, hairstyles are all their own care, Chen Yi do not mind being called narcissistic madness, each go out, he pack up to spend almost an hour. “Beauty is nothing good, as long as it does not affect others on it, the times are different, boys should show their bold.”
陈锡武,这个时代的骄子,沐浴着党的雨露阳光,在改革开放的大潮中崛起。按常规来说,一般人有了钱买高级轿车,建中西合璧的别墅,带 Chen Xiyu, the pride of this era, bathed
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