Compensated Neutron Logging (CNL) is also a porosity logging method. In neutron logging, the variation of borehole diameter is an important factor. Caliper expansion causes fake high-porosity displays. Wellbore neutron logging Compared with normal neutron logging, the impact of the wellbore has been greatly reduced, but borehole correction is still required. In the case of uneven strata, porosity is determined from the borehole neutron well logging results with large errors. In order to further reduce the influence of borehole diameter variation and formation heterogeneity, a dual-detector neutron tool is used, which is a compensated neutron tool. Compensated neutron tool can measure both long and short source count rates. The ratio between these two counts is a function of porosity and can therefore be converted to a porosity value in the ground plane and recorded on a linear scale.