INBA 历史上,有着五花八门的球队人员配置方案,但只有80年代凯尔特人的人员配置方式堪称三、四、五号位均武装到牙齿的锋线机器。“酋长”帕里什担任中锋、麦克海尔担任强力前锋、“大鸟”伯德担任小前锋——不论用任何思考方式回顾 NBA 历史任何一支球队的任何一个年代,都无法寻找到如此豪华的三大名人堂锋线组合。所以,称80年代凯尔特人为“历史第一锋线三叉戟”并不为奇,反向思维的话,若伯德没有如此之多的卓越队友辅佐,又如何有资本与豪华军团洛杉矶湖人斡旋长达10年,并开辟 NBA80年代的无比辉煌盛世呢?
INBA history, there are a wide variety of team staffing programs, but only 80’s Celtic staffing called the third, fourth and fifth positions are armed to the tooth front machine. “Chiefs” Parish served as center, McHale as strong striker, “Bird” Byrd served as small forward - regardless of any way to think about any history of NBA history, any team can not Find such a luxury three celebrity front line combination. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Celtics of the 80s were “the first striker in the history”. If Reverse Thinking did not have such outstanding teammates as Bird and how to have the capital and the luxury Legion Lakers Good offices for up to 10 years, and opened up the NBA80’s annual ranking rights?