美国名记者杰克·海敦说:新闻导语“是使读者读下去的诱饵,能否吸引人的关键”。西方新闻学者普遍认为,导语是新闻的生命所在,是一篇新闻的概括、要点和高潮。导语写好了,新闻则成功了一半。下面是关于越南停战协定在巴黎签订的两则消息的导语: 其一:出席越南关于停战的巴黎会议的各方政府代表,一月二十七日在巴黎正式签订了“关于越南结束战争,恢复和平的协定”和附属于这个协定的议定书。签字仪式是在巴黎的国际会议中心举行的。
US journalist Jack Haydon said: The news lead is “the key to making readers read bait, attractiveness.” Western news scholars generally believe that lead is the life of news, is a news summary, essentials and orgasm. Write the guide, the news is half done. Here are two pieces of news on the Vietnam Armistice Agreement signed in Paris: First, all government representatives attending the Paris Conference on Armistice in Vietnam formally signed in Paris on January 27 the “Declaration on Vietnam’s War, Recovery Peace Agreement ”and the protocol attached to this agreement. The signing ceremony was held at the International Convention Center in Paris.