来源 :应用数学和力学:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:foreverfreedom5
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The basic concepts,normal forms and universal unfoldings of Z<sub>n</sub>-equivariantsingularity are investigated in the present paper.As an example,the normal forms anduniversal unfoldings of Z<sub>3</sub>-singularity are formulat
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This paper establishes the integral theory for the dynamics of nonlinearnonholonomic system in noninertial reference frame.Firstly,based on the Routhequation of
By using deductive method,Chetaev condition is derived in this paper.We pointout that the processes of variation and differentiation are not permutable innon-ho
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【摘 要】笔者从课堂的“四要素”出发,以生动有效的案例和通俗切实的说理,阐述了如何通过备课标、备教材、备学生、备自己,从而去精心打造高质量的数学课堂。  【关键词】小学数学 精心备课 高质量课堂  随着素质教育实施的不断深入,构建高质量课堂教学显得尤其重要。要想收获高质量的课堂,运筹于帷幄之中的备课状态决定成败。备课是一个全面衡量评价学习元素的过程,也是对教学问题进行有效破和立的过程,更是打造
In this paper,according to the form of the asymptotic solution of papers[1,2],the asymptotic method is extended to the following a class of more general strong
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