测定了四种高铁血红蛋白形成剂——亚硝酸异戊酯(AmNO_2,吸入),亚硝酸钠,对-二甲氨基酚(4-DMAP),对-氨基苯丙酮(PAPP)——对犬肌注形成30—40%高铁血红蛋白(MHb)的药物剂量。亚硝酸异戊酯为1.2毫升,每次0.2毫升,一次吸30秒,2分钟一次,共6次;亚硝酸钠、4-DMAP、PAPP分别为每公斤体重30毫克,2.2毫克及1毫克。 四种药物形成30~40%的峰值时间(MT),峰值一半时间(HT)和消失一半时间(T/2) 亚硝酸异戊酯为 12,6,89(分) 4-DMAP为 30,6,120(分) PAPP为 90,22,260(分) NaNO_2为 120,28,256(分) 4-DMAP与PAPP合用为60,9,228(分) 从形成30~40%这一浓度的时间及其HT来看,四药形成MHb的速变依次为AmNO_2>4-DMAP>DMAP+PAPP>PAPP>NaNO_2。就维持一半浓度的时间(T/2)长短而言,依次为PAPP>NaNO_2>PAPP+4-DMAP>4-DMAP>AmNO_2。 4-DMAP一次肌注对抗氰化钠静注急性致死性中毒有显著疗效;氰化钠静注1.5 LD_(50)中毒,肌注4-DMAP的抗毒效果明显优于亚硝酸钠。 讨论了以上几种高铁血红蛋白形成剂的优缺点和它们的抗氰应用以及4-DMAP作为氯化物中毒现场抢救的可能性。
Four methotrexate hemoglobin forming agents, AmNO 2 (inhalation), sodium nitrite, p-dimethylaminophenol (4-DMAP) and p-aminopropiophenone (PAPP) Note the drug dose that forms 30-40% methemoglobin (MHb). 1.2 ml of nitrite, each 0.2 ml, once for 30 seconds, 2 minutes once, a total of 6 times; sodium nitrite, 4-DMAP, PAPP were 30 mg / kg body weight, 2.2 mg and 1 mg. The four drugs formed 30-40% peak time (MT), peak half time (HT) and disappearance half time (T / 2), isoamyl nitrite 12,6,89 4-DMAP 30, 6,120 (points) PAPP 90,22,260 (points) NaNO_2 120,28,256 (points) 4-DMAP and PAPP combined 60,9,228 (points) From the formation of the concentration of 30 to 40% of the time and its HT point of view, The rapid change of MHb formation by four drugs was AmNO 2> 4-DMAP> DMAP + PAPP> PAPP> NaNO 2. For the half-time (T / 2) duration, PAPP> NaNO_2> PAPP + 4-DMAP> 4-DMAP> AmNO_2. 4-DMAP once intramuscular injection of sodium cyanide intravenous acute lethal poisoning has a significant effect; sodium chloride 1.5 LD_ (50) poisoning, intramuscular injection of 4-DMAP antinociceptive effect was significantly better than sodium nitrite. The advantages and disadvantages of the above methemoglobin forming agents and their use in cyanide resistance and the potential for rescue of 4-DMAP as a chloride poisoning site were discussed.