豫剧,作为一个地方剧种,远离其赖以生存的母体,在艺术生态环境极其恶劣的台湾(包括地域文化的差异、语言障碍及观众群和艺术接班人的持续力等),竞存活了整整半个世纪,而且期间还经历了海峡两岸彼此封门闭户长达40余年之久。她不但没有衰败消亡,而且梆弦不辍,薪火相传,更加发展壮大。自1987年始, 在[流水板]里回荡着日月潭水的涛响,在[二八板]中蕴含着阿里山松的风鸣的台湾豫剧,从宝岛一直演到美国纽约林肯艺术中心的爱丽丝大剧
As a local operas, Yu Opera is far away from the mother of its survival and survives for a whole half in Taiwan (including regional culture differences, language barriers, audiences and successors of arts successors) in extremely harsh artistic environment During the past century, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have also been closed to each other for more than 40 years. Not only did she not decline and disappear, but she did not stop smoking, torpedo, more development and growth. Since the beginning of 1987, the sound of water from the Sun Moon Lake echoed in [Shui Ban] and Taiwan opera, containing the melodious sounds of Alishan pine in [Eighteen Banners], has been performed from Treasure Island to Alice in the Lincoln Center for the Arts in New York Silk drama