
来源 :冷战国际史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:missingmm
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本文集中分析从1959年印尼歧视华商条例颁布到1962年印尼成功收回西伊里安主权这段时间,中国对印尼政策的形成背景与发展。这一时期,西伊里安问题和华侨问题是相互缠绕的两条线索。本文认为,东西方两大阵营围绕西伊里安问题在印尼展开复杂激烈的权力斗争,以及由此引发的印尼国内政治的动荡,是排华浪潮爆发与后来平息的根本原因。从争端的产生与矛盾的升级,到冲突的化解与两国关系的缓和,中国一直以防守的姿态等待印尼国内情势和外交政策向有利于自身的方向转变。中美对峙的基本格局,使得中国认定印尼排华问题的本质是帝国主义挑拨中国与亚非国家关系的阴谋,从而对印尼采取了以妥协争取缓和的基本政策,试图通过团结印尼粉碎美国离间两国的企图。中苏分歧的日益深化,又使得中国一方面乐于看到苏联在印尼的干涉对美国形成制衡,一方面又隐隐预感到中苏可能会围绕印展开竞争。同时,在国际共产主义运动中,印尼共产党抛弃武装斗争哲学并未妨碍中共接近印尼共,并争取建立一种基于共同反对苏共霸权姿态的联盟。在对华侨问题以及中共与印尼共的党际关系处理上,中国外交有着与其高亢的舆论宣传相悖的务实的行为特点。 This article focuses on the background and development of the formation of Indonesia’s policy toward China from the promulgation of the Indonesian Ordinance on the Discrimination of Chinese Business to the successful acquisition of the sovereignty of West Irian by Indonesia in 1962. During this period, the issue of West Irian and the issue of overseas Chinese were two twists and turns. This article argues that the two major camps east and west encircled the issue of West Irian in a complicated and fierce power struggle in Indonesia and the turmoil in Indonesia’s domestic politics that triggered the outbreak of the wave of the Chinese nation and the subsequent subsidence. From the emergence of disputes and the escalation of conflicts to the resolution of conflicts and the easing of the relations between the two countries, China has always been in a defensive posture waiting for the change in the domestic situation and foreign policy in Indonesia in favor of itself. The basic pattern of confrontation between China and the United States makes China recognize the essence of the Indonesian anti-Chinese issue as a conspiracy to impel the relations between China and Asian and African countries by the imperialists, thus taking Indonesia’s policy of compromise and detente as the basic policy and attempting to crush the United States by uniting Indonesia with two State attempt. The deepening disagreements between China and the Soviet Union have also made China willing to see the intervention of the Soviet Union in Indonesia on a one-to-one basis to check and balance the United States. On the other hand, they have a vague idea that China and the Soviet Union may compete against India. At the same time, in the international communist movement, the abandonment of the philosophy of armed struggle by the Indonesian Communist Party did not prevent the CCP from approaching the Indonesian communists and sought to establish an alliance based on a common opposition to the Soviet Union’s hegemony. In dealing with the issue of overseas Chinese and the handling of the CPC-Indonesia inter-party relations, China’s diplomacy has pragmatic behavior contrary to its high-pitched public opinion propaganda.
很多家庭吃完饭,习惯把碗浸泡在水槽里,过很久再洗。认为泡一会儿把上边的食物残渣(特别是干了的米粒残渣)泡软了之后更好洗。殊不知这样做反倒滋生了细菌。特别是夏天,如果把碗拖到下一餐之前再刷,食物残渣都已经发酵,会产生一股异味。  曾有实验发现,在装水的碗中各放入1~5 克肉、鱼、米饭、蔬菜,室温环境下放置10 小时,碗内葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌的数目居然增加到了原来的7 万倍!食物残渣也是如此。  正确做