1.领导重视 建立健全全院医院感染控制组织,形成有效的组织体系,发挥专业人员的优势,自89年成立了医院感染控制管理委员会以来,医院领导把医院感染工作列入重要工作日程,每季度召开一次医院感染控制管理委员会例会,每月召开一次职能科室总结会,研究讨论有关重大事宜,协调解决存在的问题,同时医院感染控制作为每月院长质量查房的一项重要内容进行检查。除此以外,凡涉及到医院感染紧急情况,随时召开有关人员专题会议随时解决问题。 2.制定医院感染相应的岗位责任制 对全院各专业人员实行岗位责任制,全方位落实医院感染控制管理的各项规章制度,以不同科室专业特点先后建立了37个制度(包括奖、惩制度),并装订成册,每种一本。 3.经常开展全员性的医院感染知识教育 医院多次请院内、外有关专家对全院的各专业人员进行医院感染知识培训,从89年12月开始全院共培训9840人次,并组织护士,住院医师定期进行医院感染知识考试,强化医务人员医院感染意识。
1. Leaders attach importance to establishing a sound hospital infection control organization in the hospital, forming an effective organization system and giving full play to the advantages of professionals. Since the establishment of the Hospital Infection Control and Management Committee in 1989, hospital leaders have included hospital infections in their work schedules. A regular meeting of the hospital infection control and management committee is held every quarter. A functional department summary meeting is held once a month to discuss and discuss major issues and coordinate the resolution of existing problems. At the same time, hospital infection control is an important part of the quality inspection of the dean’s monthly office. . In addition to this, when it comes to emergency hospital infection, a special meeting of relevant personnel is held at any time to solve problems. 2. Formulate the corresponding post responsibility system for hospital infection. Implement the post responsibility system for all professionals in the hospital, fully implement the rules and regulations for hospital infection control management, and establish 37 systems (including awards and punishments) with the professional characteristics of different departments. System) and bound into volumes, one for each. 3. Regularly carry out full-time knowledge of hospital infections. Hospitals have repeatedly requested relevant experts from the hospital and abroad to train hospital professionals in hospital-wide knowledge. From December 1989, the hospital has trained a total of 9840 people and organized nurses. The resident doctors regularly conducted a knowledge test on hospital infections to strengthen the hospital staff’s awareness of nosocomial infection.