左室假腱索(left ventricle false tendon LVFT)系指左心室腔内一些非附着于瓣膜的纤维条束样结构,又称左室条束,调节束,节制带,肌肉条纹,变异的腱索等。自1896年Turner在尸检中首次发现以来,已引起临床关注。1981年Nishmura首先报告了LVFT的超声学特点,进一步获得了超声学界的广泛注意。近些年来,随着超声技术的进展和超声诊断的普及,LVFT的检出率与临床认识已有明显提高。
Left ventricle false tendon (left ventricle false tendon LVFT) refers to the left ventricular cavity in some non-attached to the valve of the fibrous strip bundle-like structure, also known as left ventricular bundle, regulating beam, control band, muscle stripes, Wait. Turner has been of clinical concern since it was first discovered in autopsy in 1896. In 1981, Nishmura firstly reported the ultrasonographic features of LVFT and further gained the attention of the ultrasound community. In recent years, with the progress of ultrasound technology and the popularity of ultrasound diagnosis, LVFT detection rate and clinical awareness has been significantly improved.