In 1988, a 13-year-old Korean boy, Shen Shi-yong, embarked on the land of the United States with his obsessed Dream of the American Studying School. However, the cold, indifferent foreign environment soon shattered his illusory dreams. With the support of his parents and his brother, he walked through that difficult life journey with his tenacious personality and strong national self-esteem. In 1992, the 17-year-old Shen Shih-yong wrote a book based on his experience of studying in South Korea, causing a sensation and becoming a must-see for youngsters. In 1994, he admitted to Oxford University. Now he returned to China and became a young company Family. In early 2003, he and his mother came to CCTV “tell the truth” program scene, told the Chinese audience about the hard life he spent in the United States. My 13-year-old wanted to go to the United States illegally to the United States was the idea of the fifth grade primary school.