On the basis of 61 cadaveric laryngeal dissections and measurements, mechanics analysis of cricomotion was carried out. Cricoid around the coronal axis of the ring around both sides of the metatarsal rotation in the sagittal plane, enabling simultaneous expansion and contraction of both vocal cords about 3.41mm; along the long axis of the thyroid cartilage ring face sliding direction, can make one side of the vocal cords and another elongated Side of the vocal cords shorten the difference between the two up to 2.42mm or so. The above “rotation” can effectively adjust the relaxation of the vocal cords. “Sliding” can equalize the tension of the vocal cords on both sides. As the “sliding” movement is more laborious than the “rotation” movement, the slippage of the joint is apt to be caused when the joint is slipped. Hypothyroidism caused by abnormal horizontal or unilateral sliding of the cricothyroid joint.