摘要: 本文从经典的Cesa`ro算子在Hardy空间上的有界性以及Hardy-Bloch型空间与Hardy空间之间的紧密联系出发,着重探讨了两类Hardy-Bloch型空间上广义Cesa`ro算子一一与的有界性,并得到了一些有效结论。
关键词: 广义Cesa`ro算子; Hardy-Bloch型空间; 有界性;
[1] D.Chang,S.li and S.Stevic,On some integral operators on the unit polydisk and unit ball, Taiwaness J.math,11(5)(2007),1251-1286.
[2] T.M.Flett, The dual of an inequality of Hardy and Littlewood and some related inequalities, J.Math.Anal.Appl.38(1972),746-765.
[3] J. Garnett, Bounded Analytic Functions. Academic Press, New York, 1981.
[4] Daniel Girela, Miroslav Pavlovic? and Lose? Angel PelAez, Spaces of Analytic Functions of Hardy-Bloch Type. J. D’nalysis Mathe?matique,100(2006),54-81.
[5] G.H.Hardy and J.E.Littlewood, Notes on the theory of series (XX)Generalizations of a theorem of Paley, Quart.J.Math.8(1937),161-171.
[6] M. Jie, The Cesa`ro operator is bounded on for , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.116(1992), 1077-1079.
[7] C.Pommerenke, Schlichte fuktionen und analytische funktionen von beschrankter mittlerer oszillation,Comment.Math.Helv.,52(1977),591-602.
[8]A. G. Siskakis, Composition semigroups and the Ces a`ro operators on , J. London Math.Soc. (2)36 (1987),153-164.
作者簡介:赵晟凯 1998年12月男汉山东省淄博市学生本科学士职称:无研究方向:数学与应用数学
曲阜师范大学数学科学学院 山东济宁 273165
关键词: 广义Cesa`ro算子; Hardy-Bloch型空间; 有界性;
[1] D.Chang,S.li and S.Stevic,On some integral operators on the unit polydisk and unit ball, Taiwaness J.math,11(5)(2007),1251-1286.
[2] T.M.Flett, The dual of an inequality of Hardy and Littlewood and some related inequalities, J.Math.Anal.Appl.38(1972),746-765.
[3] J. Garnett, Bounded Analytic Functions. Academic Press, New York, 1981.
[4] Daniel Girela, Miroslav Pavlovic? and Lose? Angel PelAez, Spaces of Analytic Functions of Hardy-Bloch Type. J. D’nalysis Mathe?matique,100(2006),54-81.
[5] G.H.Hardy and J.E.Littlewood, Notes on the theory of series (XX)Generalizations of a theorem of Paley, Quart.J.Math.8(1937),161-171.
[6] M. Jie, The Cesa`ro operator is bounded on for , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.116(1992), 1077-1079.
[7] C.Pommerenke, Schlichte fuktionen und analytische funktionen von beschrankter mittlerer oszillation,Comment.Math.Helv.,52(1977),591-602.
[8]A. G. Siskakis, Composition semigroups and the Ces a`ro operators on , J. London Math.Soc. (2)36 (1987),153-164.
作者簡介:赵晟凯 1998年12月男汉山东省淄博市学生本科学士职称:无研究方向:数学与应用数学
曲阜师范大学数学科学学院 山东济宁 273165