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自北宋以苏东坡为首的文人士大夫倡导文人画以来,墨竹一直是文人画中一个重要的门类。有传统鉴赏家认为,文徵明是继吴镇、夏昶之后画竹之道统。唐代以后,竹子成为君子人格的象征。文徵明是一位颇具君子之风、儒雅之气的文人画家,在表现象征君子的竹子时,在风格和趣味上具有怎样的面貌?鉴于自然和传统是中国古代绘画的两大源泉,本文先考察文徵明日常闲居的竹下生活,接着考证文徵明对传统画竹的鉴赏,最后举例论证文徵明墨竹的特点和意趣。 Since the Northern Song Dynasty led by Su Dongpo literati advocate literati painting, ink bamboo has been an important category of literati painting. There are connoisseurs of traditional view that Wen Zhengming is the Taoist system of painting bamboo after Wu Zhen and Xia Chang. After the Tang Dynasty, bamboo became a symbol of a gentleman’s personality. Wen Zhengming is a gentleman’s style, refined and refined literati painter, in the performance of the symbol of a gentleman’s bamboo, in the style and taste of what kind of look? View of nature and tradition is the two major sources of ancient Chinese painting, this article The first study of Wenzheng Ming daily life of bamboo life, and then research Wenzheng Ming traditional bamboo appreciation, the last example demonstrates Wen Zhengming ink bamboo features and interests.