无论哪个地区、什么部门在建植人工草地时,首先遇到的 问题是选择什么草种和品种。由于牧草资源十分丰富,种类极其繁多,因而在实际操作中应根据如下原则。 (一)适应当地条件和栽培制度 任何一种牧草对气候条件都有一定的适应范围,在众多因子中,温度当属首位,它决定多年生牧草能否安全越冬,这是建植人工草地成败的关键因子。牧草之安全越冬有两个因素特别重要,一个是冬季极端低
No matter what area, what departments in the artificial grassland construction, the first problem encountered is to choose what species of grass and varieties. As the forage resources are very rich, extremely diverse species, so in practice should be based on the following principles. (A) to adapt to local conditions and cultivation system Any kind of pasture on the climatic conditions have a certain range of adaptation, among many factors, the temperature is the first, which determines the perennial pasture safe and wintering, which is the success of the construction of artificial grassland Key factor. Two factors are particularly important for the safety of foragers. One is extremely low winter temperatures