国际烧伤协会于2018年在《Burns》杂志上发布了《国际烧伤协会烧伤救治实践指南》第2部分,主要内容包括烧伤急救、局部外用药物、烧伤感染、动静脉置管管理、代谢管理、运动与功能训练、疼痛管理、镇静、输血、深静脉血栓、精神障碍及门诊和出院患者管理。本文对该指南的要点进行解读。“,”The International Society of Burn Injury (ISBI) published the second part of the ISBI practice guidelines for burn care in 2018 in the journal of n Burns. The main content of the guideline includes first aid for burns, topical drugs, burn infection, management of arteriovenous catheterization and metabolism, exercise and functional training, pain management, sedation, blood transfusion, deep venous thrombosis, mental disorder, and outpatient and discharge management. This article was written with the purpose to interpret the main points of the practice guidelines.n