上海市编辑学会原会长。现顾问宋原放同志给本刊主编写了一封信,现全文予以发表。他语重心长地提出了要重视和加强出版史的学习和研究,并为此对本刊提出了七条建议,都是很现实、很实在、很有针对性的问题。本刊同仁将在今后的工作中努力去做,并力求做出成绩。不过,我们也深知,仅有我们几个人的积极性是远远不够的,还需要上下左右一起来参与,共同来发挥积极性。 首先,我们需要作者的支持。“多登有新史料、有分析的文章”,新书评介,学术活动报道,增加闻录等等,都是我们一直企盼的。譬如增加图录的问题,对有关人物、事件、书籍等方面的文章,我们总是希望作者能够适当提供图片,不仅为了活跃版而,更是为了保存历史瞬间的真实。今后,作者们在惠稿时,凡是认为可以配以图片资料的,请你们多寄一些来,倘若认为自己的“玉照”也有一定的史料价值、也请毫不犹豫地寄来。 其次,我们需要各级在位的领导的支持。有一位退下来老同志曾感慨地说:过去在位时.忙忙碌碌,许多该做的工作没有时间做;现在退下来有了时间,却又没有条件做了。所谓没有条件,主要是指权力所及有限,巳没有办法顾及应做的事情了。这种情况实在值得所有正在位子上的同志的重视。一是要舍得花一些人力、物力、财力做好本?
Shanghai Editorial Association former president. Now consultant comrade Song original release to the editor in chief wrote a letter, the full text is published. He put forward his earnest and earnest studies on studying and emphasizing the publication history, and put forward seven proposals for this publication, which are very realistic, very specific and very specific questions. Our colleagues in the future work hard to do, and strive to make achievements. However, we also know very well that the initiative of only a few of us is far from sufficient. We also need to participate in cooperation from top to bottom and jointly play an active role. First, we need the author’s support. “We have always been looking forward to” Doing new historical materials and analytical articles ", reviewing new books, reporting on academic activities, and increasing the number of news records. For example, if we increase the number of catalogs, we always hope that the author will be able to provide pictures appropriately for articles on people, events and books, not only for the active edition, but also for preserving the true moment of history. In the future, when the authors pay their contributions, those who think that they can be matched with pictures and materials will be sent to you more. If you think you have some historical value, please do not hesitate to send it. Second, we need the support of leaders at all levels. One old comrade who stepped down said with emotion: When he was in power. Busy, many do not have the time to do the work; now retreat to have time, but no conditions to do. The so-called lack of conditions mainly means that the power is limited and there is no way to take care of what should be done. This situation really deserves the attention of all comrades in their seats. One is willing to spend some human, material and financial resources to do this?