例1 陆××女18岁1988年3月21日入院住院号172551。从6岁开始,双眼患“春季卡他性结膜炎”,至今已12年,长年应用考的松或地塞米松眼药水点眼。近年双眼视力逐渐下降,各医院眼科仍按春季卡他性结膜炎治疗。1988年2月来我院门诊检查时,发现双眼视力为眼前30cm指数,双角膜水肿,前房深浅正常,瞳孔散大,光反应迟钝。双眼压均为50.62mmHg。双眼视盘色淡,右C/D=0.9,左C/D=0.8,血管向鼻侧移位。双眼房角为宽角。用降眼压
Example 1 Lok XX female 18 years old on March 21, 1988 hospitalization number 172551. From the age of 6, his eyes suffering from “catarrhal spring conjunctivitis”, has been 12 years, long-term application of cortisone or dexamethasone eye drops. In recent years, binocular vision decreased gradually, the hospital ophthalmology is still according to the spring catarrhal conjunctivitis treatment. 1988 February to our hospital clinic examination, found that the binocular visual acuity in front of 30cm index, double corneal edema, anterior chamber normal depth, mydriasis, light reaction slow. Binocular pressure are 50.62mmHg. Binocular disc pale, right C / D = 0.9, left C / D = 0.8, vascular shift to the nose. Eyes wide angle for the corner. With intraocular pressure