雅科布·路德维希·费利克斯·门德尔松·巴托尔迪(Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy,1809~1847)出生于汉堡一个声名显赫的犹太家族,祖父摩西·门德尔松是哲学家,父亲亚伯拉罕·门德尔松是金融家,母亲莉亚是钢琴家。门德尔松印证了这样一个事实:不管出身寒门还是出身豪门,同样能够产生伟大的艺术家。门德尔松是莫扎特之外的又一名音乐神童。当他还是个10岁的小学生时就已经开始作曲。肖像上的门德尔松气度儒雅,相貌端庄。门德尔松的音乐风格,也同他本人的形象完全吻合,文秀典正,阳春白雪。门德尔松的魅力在于,对古典主义
Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809 ~ 1847) was born in Hamburg, a prominent Jewish family, his grandfather Moses Mendelssohn is a philosopher , Abraham Mendelssohn was the financier and mother Leah was the pianist. Mendelssohn confirms the fact that the same way a great artist can be born, whether from a cold or from a wealthy man. Mendelssohn is another music prodigy outside of Mozart. When he was a 10-year-old pupil already started composer. Mendelssohn graceful portrait, dignified appearance. Mendelssohn’s musical style, but also with his own image completely consistent, Wenxiudianzheng, spring snow. Mendelssohn’s charm is that of classicism