每个月总是有某个时间情绪不稳定,有时候情绪低落,有时候又十分急躁。这种类似的经历在女性中十分普遍。这个时候的女性在周围的人眼中简直是“一点火就着”。若是问原因,她们中多数人的答案是“因为月经的影响”。女性在月经前或月经期间变得情绪低落或者脾气暴躁,这就是经前综合征(Premenstrual Syndrome,PMS)。据了解,约有75%的育龄妇女在月经前出现情绪变化或者身体不适。而即使没有出现明显的情绪变化,她们大脑中与情绪加工有关区域也会出现显著变化。
Every month there is always a time of emotional instability, sometimes depressed, and sometimes very irritable. This similar experience is common among women. This time the women in the eyes of the people around it is simply “a fire on”. If asked why, most of them answer the question “because of the effects of menstruation.” Women become depressed or grumpy before or during menstruation, which is called Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). It is understood that about 75% of women of childbearing age before menstruation, emotional changes or physical discomfort. Even without significant changes in mood, significant changes have taken place in their brains related to emotional processing.