国有森工企业如何面对入世 ,这是一个非常重要和不容回避的问题 ,本文作者就此采访了三岔子林业局局长刘力。刘局长从企业经营者的角度强调了要从转变观念、熟悉WTO规则、深化内部改革、加强企业管理等几个方面着手 ,积极运作 ,森工企业才能在国际市场的竞争中求得生存和发展
It is a very important and unavoidable problem for the state-owned forest industry enterprises to face WTO accession. The author of this article interviewed Liu Li, the director of the Sanchazi Forestry Bureau. Mr. Liu emphasized that from the perspective of corporate managers, it is necessary to start from several aspects such as changing concepts, familiarizing with WTO rules, deepening internal reforms, and strengthening enterprise management, and actively operating them so that forestry enterprises can survive and develop in the international market competition.