Integrating Aroma into Life

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  On March 26, the 5th China International Aromatic Industry Exhibition (Shanghai) , which is to be held in Shanghai from April 12 to 14, 2019 by China International Chamber of Commerce and Beijing Exhibition Co.,Ltd, held a press conference in Beijing. The meeting was presided over by Wang Jinyunmei, Vice-Director of the Organizing Committee of the Aromatic Exhibition, and attended by about 60 media including Xinhua News Agency and others. Han Xiaohong, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Aromatic Exhibition and President of Beijing Exhibition Co.,Ltd, introduced in detail the overall arrangement and preparations for the fifth aromatic exhibition.
  The quality and internationalization of the exhibitors reaches new highlights
  2019 is an important year in the process of aromatic exhibition specialization. The quality and international level of aromatic exhibition products have been significantly improved. In terms of the quality of exhibitors, raw material producers and traders from Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Iran, Bulgaria, Australia, Nepal, India, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Morocco and other countries and regions will showcase a large number of high-quality essential oil products; educational and training institutions from the United States, Germany, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India and other regions will present systematic norms aromatherapy education and on-site aromatherapy SPA physical therapy experience.
  The influence of aromatic exhibition in China can not be underestimated. More than 200 enterprises from 15 provinces and cities including Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing, Zhejiang, Gansu, Shandong, Jiangsu, Yunnan, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi and Xinjiang will participate in the exhibition in the future. The exhibition will also be a gathering of Damascus roses, moxa, gardenia, jasmine, cabbage, aloes, lavender and other aromatic plant cultivation and extraction products. The forms of exhibitions are more diverse than those of previous sessions, and individualized booth construction accounting for one third, with 54 sqm special booth increasing by 68%, 36 sqm special booth increasing by 139%, 18 sqm special booth increasing by 200%, and 9sqm standard booths increasing by 38%.
  Consultation and cooperation contribute to success
  With the cordial care of the sponsors and relevant leaders and the support of enterprises, institutions and experts and scholars in the aromatic industry, the exhibition has always adhered to innovationdriven, quality-oriented, facing the frontier of science and technology, the major strategic needs of the country and industry, and built an important window for the opening of China’s aromatic industry to the outside world and an important platform for the marketization of the aromatic industry. At home and abroad, the influence and popularity of the exhibition in the aromatic industry and aromatherapy industry are constantly improving.

  As one of the most influential exhibitions and exchange platforms in China to promote the development of ecological chain of aromatic industry, the aromatic exhibition has become the global purchasing center of high-quality aromatic plant raw materials, the release window of information on the frontier of aromatic industry, and the distribution center of aromatic plant skin care products in China. It has also become the portal of aromatic talents educational reserve and a new starting point for aromatic health investment.
  2019 has been a year of multi-side corporation for the industry. The Aromatherapy Branch of the Research and Development Association of Chinese Folk Medicine Development Association will be the sponsor of the exhibition for the first time. It will introduce the achievements made by the association in the past year and the work plan for the next year. The Organizing Committee of the aromatic exhibition will also undertake the preparations for the aromatherapy industry Carnival in an all-round way. This further strengthens the platform attributes of aromatic exhibition as a quality global aromatic products procurement platform.
  The fifth exhibition will take "Collaboration for Industry Innovation and Application " as its theme. It will hold a keynote forum with the participation of industry associations, experts, scholars and enterprises. Seven sub-topics will be discussed. More than 30 new product and new technology release activities will be held, and three business wealth community activities will be collocated to promote each other. After five years of cultivation, the aromatic exhibition has not stopped moving forward, on the contrary, it has been renewed through continuous progress. It is now a quality platform for participants to share information, share resources, negotiate and cooperate, and constantly provide new impetus for the long-term, healthy and orderly development of the aromatic industry.
  2019 is a key year for the co-construction and sharing of aromatic exhibitions. The aromatic exhibition continues the principle of"as long as you participate, I will give benefits" and guides relevant institutions and leading enterprises to participate in the construction of industry platforms. This year’s form is more diverse. While establishing fragrant communities, developing Wechat small programs, voting excellent exhibitors, news conference sharing and live broadcasting of Internet Stars, etc. use new media to publicize and promote fragrant exhibitions, it also provides more opportunities for participants to expose their brands.   Leading the upsurge of natural health management
  In 2019, the aromatic exhibition will continue to be the driving force for the development of the industry. A clear division of exhibition areas enables exhibitors from the same or similar industries to learn from each other and develop together. It will link the whole industry ecological chain, link up the practitioners in the industry, let the people who can share have a platform, people who want to learn have channels. Secondly, the symposium on building the knowledge education system of aromatherapy in TCM will be held in the same period. Through the organization of the symposium, the further integration of Chinese aromatherapy culture, TCM and aromatherapy can be promoted, and the knowledge education system with Chinese characteristics can be formed as soon as possible. Thirdly, the aromatherapy industry talent data collection station will be set up on the exhibition site to gather more industrial talents to let the enterprises with resources find good talents and assist talented people find good jobs..
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