A series of interviews and surveys were conducted with immigrant families who lived near the Billy-Billy Dam Reservoir in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. As a result, all households surveyed have received full monetary compensation for resettlement, and the TP also stipulates that the resettlers have free access to farmland and housing in resettlement areas. However, many families live in hardship in the resettlement areas and their desire to return to their original places of residence is rather strong. As a result, many immigrant families eventually return to their original residences. The survey results also show that many resettlement families who returned to the original place of residence from the resettlement area purchased the farmland and housing at the place of their original residence, using the relocation compensation. Those relocated families living in the resettlement area are also richer, most of them also returned to the original residence around the reservoir to buy farmland and housing. Overall, however, the resettlement program for the Billy-Billy Dam project has been successful. The families of immigrants who returned to their original places of residence were investigated, the reasons for their return were analyzed, and the status quo of their lives was assessed. Finally, the article discusses the effectiveness of the Billy-Billy dam project resettlement plan.