转塘 之江

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转塘在2004年和2005年,短时间内即推出多块土地,吸引了多人眼球,根据开发进度,在2006年,转塘将成为楼盘推出的新热点。并且在未来5-8年内,转塘将成为国内一流生态型的休闲城镇。由于土地稀缺,转塘今后出现的物业类型将主要以高层、小高层住宅为主。该区域已建成的公寓项目有云栖蝶谷。目前,转塘超过100万平方米的农居公寓建设已经启动,土地出让达800余亩。转塘向山路、美院南路等道路也已相继建成,此外,中国美术学院视觉艺术学院的迁入,也为转塘镇提升城镇品位。转塘的东北面与之江国家旅游度假区紧紧相接,之江旅游度假区的许多土地,都是从转塘拨过去的。随着之江旅游度假区多个楼盘的面市,该区块内背倚山体的坡地基本上已经开发殆尽,而目前的转塘却仍然拥有着规模可观的未开发坡地,所以,现在的转塘板块即将续写又一个之江旅游度假区。接下来,我们就到这个即将兴起的区块———转塘镇去看看。 In 2004 and 2005, Zhuantang introduced many plots of land in a short period of time, attracting many people’s attention. According to the development progress, in 2006, Zhuantang will become a new hot spot for real estate development. And in the next 5-8 years, Zhuantang will become the first class eco-friendly leisure town. Due to the scarcity of land, the property types that will appear in the future will mainly be high-rise and small-rise residential buildings. The completed project in the area is Cloud Valley. At present, Zhuantang more than 1 million square meters of farmhouse apartment construction has been started, the land transfer amounted to more than 800 acres. Tong Road to Hill Road, the Academy of South Road and other roads have also been completed, in addition, the China Academy of Art School of Visual Arts moved in, but also for the town to enhance the quality of town. Tongtang northeast and the River National Tourism Resort closely linked, many of the land in the tourist resort Jiang, are transferred from Zhuntang past. With the introduction of several properties in the resort area of ​​Zhijiang, the slopes of mountainsides in this area have basically been developed and depleted. However, the present Zhuantang still has a considerable untapped slope. Therefore, the current turn Tong plate is about to write another river tourism resort. Next, we will go to this upcoming block --- turn the town to see.
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