鱼诗是祖国古诗苑中的一朵奇葩,其中有很多是名人咏名鱼的诗句,诗人将鱼糅进诗篇,鱼助诗韵,添色增辉;诗传鱼神,相映成趣,相得益彰,读来诗味隽永,妙趣横生。 鲥鱼是名贵食用鱼类,为鱼中上品,酒席上之珍品,其色白如银,肉质异常鲜美,有鱼中西施之美称。清代谢墉所作诗句:“网得西施国色真,诗云南国有佳人。朝潮扑岸磷泛玉,夜月寒光尾掉银。长悔黄梅催盛夏,难得白雪继阳春。维其时矣文无赘,旨酒端宜式燕宾。”这首诗是赞鲥鱼形美,如南国绝色
Fish poetry is an exotic flower in ancient Chinese poetry. Among them, many are verses of celebrity chanting fish. The poet mixes the fish into the poem. The fish helps the poems and rhyme to add color and brightness. The poems and the fish gods work side by side and complement each other. Poetry Meaningful, fun. Anchovy is a rare fish for food, the fish in the top grade, the banquet on the treasures, the color of white as silver, the meat is extremely delicious, there are fish in the reputation of Shi Shi. Qing Dynasty Xie 墉 made of verse: “Network was Xishi Shi true, poetry of Yunnan state-owned beauty. Chao Chao Pu shore Phosphorus jade, night and moon cold end of silver. Regret yellow plum summer, a rare snow following the spring. Unconscious article, the wine end suitable Yan Bin. ”This poem is like a fish shaped like the United States, such as the South stunning