摘要目的旨在比较分析荷兰初训(NR)和有经验的放射科技师(ER)在乳腺钼靶X线定位技术质量方面的差别。材料与方法在从事乳腺检查工作之前,NR必须完成所有课程,包括4天理论课,6周实践训练,以及一份作为放射科技师行50例乳腺钼靶X线检查后的回顾性总结报告。另外,荷兰拥有一个庞大的质量保证筛选系统,其中包括对ER乳腺钼靶X线定位质量的审核。按照预先设定的标准,如乳腺下角的描述,分析了13 520份组合意见(NR)和14 896份审查意见(ER)。结果 NR比ER整体定位更准确(头尾位:97%∶86%,P=0.00;内外侧斜位:92%∶84%,P=0.00)。NR在多数头
Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare the quality of mammography in mammography between Dutch first training (NR) and experienced radiologist (ER). Materials and Methods NR must complete all courses, including a 4-day course of study, 6-week hands-on training, and a retrospective review of 50 cases of breast mammography performed by a radiology technician prior to breast examinations. In addition, the Netherlands has a vast quality assurance screening system that includes a review of the quality of the ER mammography X-ray positioning. A total of 13 520 combined comments (NRs) and 14,896 review comments (ERs) were analyzed according to pre-set criteria, such as the description of the lower horn of the breast. Results NR was more accurate than ER (97%: 86% head-tail, P = 0.00; internal and external oblique position: 92%: 84%, P = 0.00). NR in most heads